
Newest Files

  • This is the latest version of the FarCry FCLoader, used for your FarCry Multiplayer game.

    The FCLoader contains different patches like 1.33, 1.40, 1.60, LRv2, LRv3, XTv3 and XTv4.

    This is an All-In-One FarCry Launcher!
  • This is the latest version of the FarCry FCLoader, used for your FarCry Multiplayer game.

    The FCLoader contains different patches like 1.33, 1.40, 1.60, LRv2, LRv3, XTv3 and XTv4.

    This is an All-In-One FarCry Launcher!
Title Views Downloads

FCLoader v5.2 Installer

Kr!eger -
772 1,072

FCLoader v5.2 Manual Install

Kr!eger -
751 1,072