Posts by Dayron

    I would like to be able to take screenshots without HUD and the character's hands. I found THIS tutorial to hide the HUD (haven't tried it yet) but I'd also like to know if there is a way to hide the hands, just like at the very beginning of the game when Jack has no weapons. I know that maps can be easily viewed from any angle and height in the Editor but the scenery is obscured by the interface; maybe it's possible to turn these markings off. If you know any methods to take clear photos of the maps or have ideas, please share them with me. I've recently become involved in editing articles on Far Cry Wiki and I'd love to enrich them with neat images.

    Hello, fellow users! I've been a Far Cry player since July 2010. I fell in love with this game even before I could get my hands on it. I was spending vacation at a sunny hot lake resort in Poland (where I'm from) but came back home for a few days. The awaited game that I asked my godfather to buy me finally arrived. And that's how it all started. It took me months to complete the campaign and quite a lot of frustration (on Easy difficulty! X/) since I was young and not too bright about games back then. I remember the first time I reached the ending credits after one of the hardest levels. "It was such a great adventure and now it's over", I thought to myself.

    My old decrepit PC bought some time in the early 2000s had a hard time standing higher graphics settings. It was so bad that the skin textures were literally blue; the night vision was too obscure to be used; I couldn't enjoy the crystal clear azure water the game had to offer at all, no transparence; and experimenting with settings would result in loss of frame rate.

    This changed, however, when I got my own laptop in 2012. I could now enjoy not only FC on high settings, but also Far Cry 2 that had been waiting to be installed on a computer that would be able to even launch it. I'll never forget all those sleepless nights I devoted to multiplayer, especially in FC2.

    Years have passed and I'm happy to see that this phenomenal game is not falling into oblivion. I wish to be a part of this community and hope to have some great time with you, guys, on the forum and Discord as well as in the game.